- Pmdg 747 400 livery download music update#
- Pmdg 747 400 livery download music simulator#
For IFR flights, FSX wants to choose an approach. Approach Training also allows you to analyse your landings with the Approach Statistics feature. Pmdg 747 400 livery download music simulator#
Developed by FS-FlightControl, Approach Training gives you the tools to reposition to a multitude of approach locations in Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. Once youve set up your FP in FSX and got airbourne nearer your destination click on proc on the GPS this will give you choices of RNYs for you arrival ILS, VECTORS DME/VOR chose ILS pending on metar, then go back to FP on GPS and click on knob bottom left and bring up ILS frequencys for chosen RNY & airfield tune that into NAV1 then click on activate approach (vectors) about 50nms out your aircraft will turn towards airport (ap on & gps nav on) after that turn course to runway hdg keep. In the U.S., a CAT I ILS approach without approach lights will have a minimum required visibility of 3/4 mile, or 4000 foot runway visual range. The required minimum visibilities for instrument approaches is influenced by the presence and type of approach lighting system. I also changed a few other things to my preferences.
I changed most of the aircraft to ones that are default in FSX.
Pmdg 747 400 livery download music update#
This is an update for flight simulator X of Volume one of Dohertys Difficult & Dangerous Approaches.
FSX Dohertys Difficult and Dangerous Approaches.20 nail-biting missions ranging from 20 minutes – 3 hours The flight plans are pre-loaded into the GPS of the aircraft to give you the best chance of landing these approaches. Each mission starts in a default FSX: Steam Edition aircraft picked specifically for each approach, although any aircraft may be used on any of the flights.