Meinwald agreed.DescriptionThe EAR 868 is a transformer-coupled linestageand phono preamplifier ($5295 USD linestage only, $6995 with phono stage) that employs twopairs of the somewhat unusual 7DJ8 tube (PCC88) instead of the ubiquitous 6DJ8 (which canbe directly substituted). His demos, always pleasurable and oftenthrilling, were consistently among my 'Best in Show.' Id long wanted totry EAR electronics in my own system, so, when editor Jeff Fritz recently asked whatcomponents Id like to review, I immediately proposed both the EAR 868 preamp and EAR890 stereo amplifier (review to come). Meinwald is as informedan audiophile and as discerning a music-lover as one could meet, his knowledge extendingfrom classical to calypso, Hawaiian 78s to bebop. May 2010EAR 868 PreamplifierId heard the EAR 868preamplifier on a number of occasions over the last few years, in demonstrations atConsumer Electronics Shows and Rocky Mountain Audio Fests, and had struck up a banteringrelationship with Dan Meinwald of EAR USA, the American importer.